China Chile Free Trade Agreement Form

The China-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) is a landmark agreement between the People`s Republic of China and the Republic of Chile, which came into effect on October 1, 2006. The agreement is designed to eliminate trade barriers and promote economic cooperation between the two countries.

One of the most important aspects of the CCFTA is its form, which is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of trade-related issues. The form of the CCFTA includes provisions related to trade in goods, trade in services, investment, intellectual property, and dispute settlement.

Trade in Goods

Under the CCFTA, China and Chile have agreed to eliminate tariffs on a wide range of products traded between the two countries. This includes agricultural products, industrial products, and other goods. The agreement also includes provisions related to customs procedures, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and other trade-related issues.

Trade in Services

The CCFTA also includes provisions related to trade in services, which covers a wide range of services, including financial services, telecommunications, transportation, and professional services. The agreement allows for greater market access for service providers from both countries.


The CCFTA also includes provisions related to investment, which aims to promote and protect foreign investment between the two countries. The agreement includes provisions related to investment protection, investment liberalization, and dispute settlement.

Intellectual Property

The CCFTA includes provisions related to intellectual property, which aims to protect the rights of creators and innovators in both countries. The agreement includes provisions related to copyright, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights.

Dispute Settlement

The CCFTA includes a dispute settlement mechanism, which allows for the resolution of disputes arising under the agreement. The mechanism allows for consultations between the parties, the formation of expert panels, and the possibility of binding arbitration.

In conclusion, the CCFTA is a comprehensive agreement with a wide-ranging form that covers a variety of trade-related issues. The agreement is designed to promote economic cooperation between China and Chile and to eliminate trade barriers between the two countries. The CCFTA is an important agreement that has contributed to the economic development of both nations and is a model for other countries looking to promote economic cooperation and growth.